Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Choosing a Path-

As I’m approaching my last year of college at MPTC, it seems like everybody wants to know what my post-college plans are. It’s an intriguing question, one I’m sure college seniors everywhere have been asking themselves.

From what I’ve gathered, no one really knows.

Everyone has a plan, some kind of ideal list of tasks to accomplish that will somehow conclude in a job in the near future. But plans change, and so do opportunities.

At the end of the day, it can all seem like wishful thinking, fairy tale stuff. It’s a nice thing to think about when you’re waiting for the bus, but unrealistic nonetheless.

I disagree.

It’s true, life is unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be in control of your own future.

During my last 8 weeks of classes last semester I took a video editing course. Let me just tell you now that I never touched a video camera in my life. Everything I did came natural to me and made me enjoy the class very much. An internship at Mercury Marine came about and I jumped at the opportunity, ready to take anything I had the chance to do. 

I got the job in June and my experience there so far has been the greatest opportunity. I’ve learned so much already and am eager to learn more. Coming into the Interactive Media Design program at Moraine Park I never thought I’d end up liking or even doing video production stuff. In just 8 weeks of taking a class I was able to show a huge company what I am capable of and have a foot in the door for a future career. 

I have one year left of new classes and it makes me wonder what will interest me next or what will make me realize that’s what I’ll want to have a career in. If you have any doubts about your future like I did, and still do from time to time, you might have an opportunity at MPTC to get your future started as well! Never limit your possibilities!

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